The Most Important Questions
A Prolegomenon to a Manifesto for the First American Revolution
Dedication As Prelude
Every Quixote needs his Sancho Panza, his tether to a world that is
oblivious to ~ or at best unimpressed ~ with windmills.
It was when i had confessed to her that i was certain of only three things ~
that i loved her,
that i was a mad man,
and that i was a dead man ~
that PK pulled out
our dog-eared copy of 1984
and repeated what 6079 Smith W
had realized after reading
“… he knew,” she’d read, “better than before that he was not mad.
Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad.
There was Truth and there was UnTruth,
and if you clung to the Truth
even against the whole world, you were not mad.”
Dead, perhaps. But at least not mad.
At least not yet.
“The blessing, the karma. the destiny, and the curse
is that you will be ignored.
So, do not seek Truth, “
informed the gnome.
“Cease only to cherish opinions.
The Task is very simple, “
he continued
“It’s just not very easy…
The Task is to leave behind
all dogma and myth, ideology and creed:
to tum Your back on all heroes and champions,
and saviors and leaders,
and goddesses and gods and their prophets… .
The task is to wake up. Now.
…and then…
As it All unfolds
exactly as it should and must,
all You have to do then,
is to await further instructions.”
This one is first and ultimately to and for PK.
And then to and for all the other Sancho Panzas who have also graced my life.
At times tending to my lance, at others, mending my shield and armor
[to say nothing of my ego and pride]. And nurturing my horse.
And always giving me faith, hope, strength, a shrug, and a smile.
You know Who You are. Thank You
Welcome Message
Part 1
1. Will there be a national election in November 2024? And if there is, will there be a Presidential inauguration and seating of a new Congress in January 2025?
And if there is, will there be a Presidential inauguration and seating of a new Congress in January 2025? Read More…
2. Are there any alternatives to and antidotes for what America’s Ruling Political Class will give the American Voters as choices in that scheduled election?
3. Will the United States survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on July 4, 2026? And if it does, will the American Peoples be in any condition or mood to celebrate anything?
4. Given what Humans know about the Universe, the Planet, Life, and Ourselves from our Natural and Social Sciences; and,
Given what Humans can do in that Universe, to that Planet, with Life and Ourselves thru our Hard and Soft Technologies; Why, then, is there still Poverty, Hunger, and Disease, Illiteracy, Injustice, and Inequity, Ecocide, Genocide, and Democide,
Insecurity, Tyranny, and War?