11. What can we learn about DISEASE X from The COVID Event?
With the increasingly notorious “Disease X” looming out there somewhere ready to be launched, what are some of the things that happened during The COVID Event that could help us deal with X more effectively tan we did withCOVID-19?
Extracts from a Letter to an American Expat living in Ecuador on The COVID Event
emailed on 29mar20
Hi Randy. You wrote:
I see this as a great cleansing, a lime of much needed healing for the world, for us to take a giant step back to witness what we’ve collectively done to abuse the planet through overpopulation and pollution. I see this as Natures revenge on us. We must listen and re-evaluate all our actions if we are to survive as a species. Perhaps we may choose not to.
i don’t rule out this being ”Nature’s revenge” for our abusive over-population and pollution [which is another way of saying our production, distribution, consumption, and disposal of renewable and non-renewable resources]. But i put it in the same category as God’s revenge for Humans not following His Will as established by His prophets’ dictates and commands, and His talking heads’ explanations of what that Will really is.
Instead, i see it that this has provided the individuals who run the governments of the world – and the people and organizations who own, operate, handle, and script those leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats at the local, regional, state, national, and international levels
– with the perfect opportunity to seize more political and thus economic authority and power, and thus domination and control. And thus, ultimately, economic wealth.
How many people have actually been diagnosed with and then died from COVID-19? As compared to how many people have contracted and died from this year’s Influenza? [To say nothing of how many have died of heart disease, cancer, or in auto and industrial accidents, etc.] Check out those numbers, and ask Yourself why we haven’t been under lockdown since the start of the Flu season. And a “global pandemic”? Close to 60% of the cases and 70% of the deaths world-wide have occurred in Italy, Spain, the US, the UK, and France, What “global” pandemic?
i’m looking at this thing and asking myself that old legal standby question: Cui Bono?
i’m also looking at it and seeing very disturbing congruities, correlations, and correspondences between 9/11, the 2008 financial “¢ri$i$,” and COVID-19. The end result of this “emergency” is the same as it was for those two: vastly increased political power for many of the same governmental offices, institutions, organizations, and agencies; and vastly increased economic wealth for those who buy and sell those governments.
My hypothesis at this time is as follows: There is only one thing missing from turning the planet into a 21st century version of Orwell’s 1984. We have a Eurasia with its Putin, and we have an Eastasia with its Xi. All we really need now is an Oceania with its Big Brother. And we have just the man ~ POTUS Maxximmuss XLV ~ in the Oval Office who is perfect for that role.
The governments of this Planet [and their media] have done a masterful job of preparing their peoples for this next step in Humanity’s evolution as Slaves to a Ruling Elite. The 20th century prepared us well for this with its socialism, communism, and its doppelgangers, fascism and nationalist socialism. And in response, it gave us: democratic crony capitalism, corporatist liberalism, neo-liberalism and its doppelganger neo-conservatism; progressivism, democratic and democratic socialism, socialist democracy, and so forth.
On Vaccination and Mask Mandates ~ 01nov20
It is my belief that the decision about whether or not somebody needs to be vaccinated or wear a mask to go into a private business should be left entirely up to the owner of that private business, and not to politicians or government health care bureaucrats.
And NOBODY has the right to go wherever they want without being vaccinated or wear a mask if that is required by the owner and operator of the business they want to go into. It is THAT simple.
The owners and managers of a business have [or should have] the same complete control over who can and cannot come into their restaurant, shop, office, or airplane ~ and what they can and cannot do once they are in there ~ as they have control over what people can and cannot do when they come into their homes.
One of the primary reasons America has failed so dismally in its dealing with The COVID Event is that it is politicians and their “experts” who have been calling the shots. They have taken a health care situation and turned it into an opportunity to gain massive political ~ and thus economic ~ power and authority. And have disabled, if not destroyed, many sectors of the economy in the process.
And greatly benefited a very few select other sectors, as well.
And it has failed miserably. With ~ at the time of this writing ~ 4.2% of the Total World Population, the US has 19% of the Total Cases and 15% of the Total Deaths. Until Brazil and India picked up the pace last year, the US at one point had 25% of the Total cases and 20% of the Total Deaths. Again: That is with just 4.2% of the total population of the planet.
And this has happened in the nation that spends the most per capita and the highest percentage of GDP on health care in the world. So just as the most expensive military on the planet hasn’t won a War in 75 years, our most expensive health care system and regime on the planet completely blew its first major challenge since it successfully defeated polio, smallpox, tuberculosis, whooping cough, and other killers during the 20th century.
And the seeds of that failure were planted long before Trump took over the throne in the Oval Office. All he did was nurture them into full bloom.
One wonders when the architects and engineers of this total failure wandering our corridors of power in DC and various State capitals will be held accountable. If it’s like all previous government failures, the answer is never.