12. How can War be ended?
A Veterans’ Day 2023 Message
“It was the Eleventh Minute of the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month. “
And next Year, 2024, it will be One Hundred and Six Years to the minute since “The End” of “The War To End All War,” in many other Ways and Wise known as World War I.
As a retired Centurion of The Empire~ beginning, in this lifetime at least, Once Upon A lime, long, long, so Very Long ago in a place called Vietnam~ i spent my entire professional life [some 28years total, 22 on active duty] studying and waging war, or preparing myself and others to wage war. And during that lifetime, War has not changed. At all. Only the Battlefields have changed. And the Weapons. And the Enemies. And, above All, The Victims….. :
“…the Names of the Places, and the Faces of the Wives and the Sons, and the Daughters;
of the Pain, and the Horror.and the cost-price dis-efficiencies and externalities of the Slaughters…”
But the Perpetrators of War have not changed. Nor have the Perpetuators. And certainly not the Justifiers. But beyond all Them, what [and thus who] really hasn’t really changed in any way at all are The Beneficiaries of War: The Chosen Ones; those who, by War, expropriate Wealth and Power, so as to extract and consume and generate even more Power and more Wealth, so as to extract and obliterate even more. And More. And ever and even MORE, and MORE… . These Ones have most definitively, definitely, and decidedly NOT Changed. At all.
Since long, long, so Very Long before that eleventh minute of that eleventh hour of that eleventh day of that eleventh month, the Perpetrators, Perpetuators, Justifiers, and Beneficiaries~ especially The Beneficiaries~ of War have not changed.
So, one might be moved to ask: So What? Now What?
So. imagine~ if you Can and Dare~ if even for but a moment, that there are no Beneficiaries. That the answer to the simply elegant and ultimately eloquent Question of “War: CUI BONO?” is, quite simply elegantly and ultimately eloquently, “NoBody.”
EnVision, if You can, a world in which NoBody gains AnyThing, at All, from War. At least not AnyThing Economic or Political; at least not Wealth or Power.
EnVision, ifYou dare, a World in which no employer, supervisor, employee, stockholder; no politician, bureaucrat, political appointee, general or underlinging warrior; no imam or priest or rabbi nor any of their various and variously true believers; no conqueror, emperor, Fuhrer, or other self-[or media] – proclaimed would-be/wannabe god-on-Earth [or at least his Designated Liege].
NoBody gains AnyThing from, by, through, with, as a result of, or because of War. NoBody. AnyThing. At all.
Because if you can imagine that World: then, perhaps you will thus begin to Begin to see exactly How and Why, then, that the Perpetrators, Perpetuators, and Justifiers of War could and would be castrated: and thus rendered inert, irrelevant, and bankrupt; defeated, disarmed and dismantled, destroyed, dispersed, and disappeared.
And, even more importantly, you would begin to Begin to understand exactly Why and How, then, that the Beneficiaries of War would and could be not merely similarly castrated and rended and thus rendered inertly nil, but indeed also thus crucified on a Cross of Gold, made in their own image and fashioned by their own hand.
And that finally and thus, with NoBody to benefit, gain, or in any other Ways to profit from War, that there would Be No War.
So What? Now What? Any Suggestions? Oh, and the Question is: When will You weary of the all the BullShit?
Happy Veterans Day and see you at 11:11:11 on l1.11. 24.
Appendix: A No War-For-Profit Amendment to the Constitution of The United States
1. Any and/or All organizations or individuals doing business with the Military-lndustrial-FatherLand Security Complex [MIFLS-C] will and thus must be publicly-held NON-PROFIT enterprises.
2. No individual, bank. and/ or any other financial or other institution [including foreign nations’ and their money-lenders] doing business with the MIFLS-C may earn any interest or other profit from loans, bonds, or any other fiduciary instruments used by the Government of The United States to finance or otherwise “pay for” this nation’s Wars-by-Credit Card of the 21st century.
3. No print, electronic, and/or internet-based news or otherwise info-entertainment media organization may be owned and/or operated by any organization or individual doing business with the MIFLS-C.