14. How is this A Prolegomenon to a Manifesto for the First American Revolution?
Accomplishes the Mission of Government by correctly fulfilling its Purpose and accomplishing its Function.in its relationship with Civil Society and the Economy
This collection of Questions and Answers is a Prolegomenon in that it attempts to indicate and address some of the very serious problems that America’s current system of government and governance has, and that it has created for The American Peoples and for much ~ if not most ~ of the rest of the Planet. Problems that show absolutely no signs of that system changing anything that it is doing and how it is doing it.
Stated bluntly: The bottom line, bullet-hits-the bone Problem with America’s system of government and governance is that it makes its legal power, administrative authority, and, above all, its spending capability and capacity available to the highest bidders among Vested Special Interests competing to be the owners, operators, commanders, and controllers of the elected politicians, the entrenched civilian and military bureaucrats, and the anointed political appointees, so as to advance the agendas of the VPIs, individuals, organizations, and institutions.
“It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic,
because there was no sense in what he said. “
~ Mark Twain, THE WAR PRAYER
“No one will believe me,” he said.
“That is exactly as it is meant to be,” They told him. Salavi laughed.
“But tell them anyway,” They continued. “Tell them once. Then tell them they have been told.
And then leave.” ~ The Vision of Salavi [A Chichimeca story from ancient Mexico as related by Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society]
Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s POETRY AS INSURGENT ART begins as follows:
I am signaling you thru the flames……
The North Pole is not where it used to be.
Manifest Destiny is no longer manifest
Civilization self-destructs.
Nemesis is knocking at the door.
What are poets for in such an age?
What is the use of poetry?
The state of the world calls out/or poetry to save it.
If you would be a poet,
create works capable of answering the challenge
of apocalyptic times, even if this means
sounding apocalyptic …
…an American or a non-American,
you can conquer the conquerors with words.
If you would be a poet, write living newspapers.
Be a reporter from outer space
filing dispatches to some Supreme Managing Editor
who believes in full disclosure and has a low tolerance/or