5. What does Donald Trump actually, really mean by “MAGA”?
On the Real Meaning of MAGA
President-Elect Trump On “Making America Great Again” [from the al-Jazeera interview, late November, 2016]
Note: Anyone who is in the least bit surprised by anything that has happened over these past eight plus years since the dawn of The Age O/Trump obviously missed this interview with then-President-Elect Trump by al-Jazeera, back shortly after 11/8.
1. What, exactly, do You mean, Mr Trump, actually, really mean by “Great”?
- When, exactly, did America become “Great”?
- Exactly How and Why did it become “Great”?
- When, exactly, did America stop being “Great”?
- Exactly How and Why did it stop being “Great”?
- How, exactly, will the American people and the world know that America is “Great Again”?
- And What, exactly, will a “Great Again America” actually, really Be, for Americans; and for the world?
When posed these questions during a recent exclusive interview with a reporter from al–Jazeera [the Muslim-owned and -operated, Doha, Qatar-based, global news network], President-Elect Trump responded as follows:
Trump: ‘”What is… ?’ ‘When did…?’ ‘How did… ?’; Jeeezus.... That has to qualify as one of the, if not the, lamest… no, make that the stupidest and most irrelevant set of questions any soon-to-be-ex-reporter has ever asked the next President of the United States. Ever.
“Anybody who could even think up such a dumb bunch of questions like that wouldn’t, because they couldn’t, understand my answer, anyway. But, because I like Muslims…, no…, I really do. Because I like you folks, I’ll try and answer you.
“The question is not what ‘Great’ is; or when America got or stopped being ‘Great’; or even what it will be like when it’s ‘Great Again.’ Americans, real Americans I mean, don’t care about all that stuff. And neither should you Muslims, or anybody else in the world. The real question is, ‘When will America be Great Again?’
“Because, mark my podium-pounding words: It Will Be. And that’s so easy to answer that even you folks might understand it.
“America will be Great Again when I am President. When I am President, America will be Great Again because I, its President, am Great. Is that clear? Now, you may ask: ‘How do I know that?’
“I know that because I always have been, am now, and will always be Great. And further, because everything I have ever done, am doing, and always will do has always been, is now, and always will be Great. And finally, because anything and everybody, and anybody and everything that has ever had, now has, or ever will ever have anything to do with me has always been, now is, and always will be Great, as well.
“For example, my empire of skyscrapers, golf courses, super-malls and condos, strip malls and slum flats; my casinos, University, and donations to veterans; my trophy wives; and, of course, my reality-tv shows [in one of which You are a role-playing, bit-extra right now, even as we speak]. Hell… come to think of it, even my bankruptcies have been, are, and will be great; especially for the stiffs…. heh…..
“All Great. All Great, just like me. And do you want to know Why they were, are, and will be Great? Because they are mine. All mine. I made them; I created them. All of them. All in my own image. And That’s exactly why they’re Great.
“And when I move my corporate headquarters from the Trump Towers down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue [‘and the White House up to New York~ or over to Mar-a-Lago – for the weekends,’ he added, parenthetically], America will be Great Again. Because it will be mine. To create, or in this case, re-create in my own image.
“Does that answer your question?”
al-Jazeera: “Almost. Can you give us at least some examples of what America will be like when it is ‘Great Again”‘?
Trump· “Sure. When America is Great Again, anybody that I, The President, don’t like or don’t want in my country will either be thrown out, or won’t be allowed to get in here in the first place. Sort oflikc Obama kitling anybody he doesn’t like with drones; or Bush torturing anybody who crossed him. Only better because truly preemptive, and much less costly, in both blood or treasure.
“When America is Great Again, all our financial, fiscal, monetary, and budgetary problems will be over after I screw all those losers who have bought, paid for, and invested in our nation’s public debts at all levels: federal, state, and local. I have lots of real-world ~ and not just some Harvard Business School jerk-…, classroom~ experience with that sort of thing, and know how to ‘Get ‘er Done,’ as they say in the parlance.
“When America is Great Again, all them punks in Beijing, Bonn, Brussels, and Basel, and Elsewhere, and all them prevert Muslim jihadist terrorists and their mullahs, ayatollahs, and sheikhs of Arabi, and anybody else with an attitude, will come face-to-face with the reality that you don’t fu~…, mess with The Donald. Or His country. Or his embassies or flag. Anywhere. Anytime. For any reason.
“When America is Great Again, we will put Ourselves, the US of A, Number One again, and get rid of all those bull- … bullshit rules and regulations that say that and what we can and can’t do to whatever we want to do to the land, the water, and the air, anywhere, anytime. Or for that matter, to people, too.
We may only be, what is it, 4 percent of the world’s population; but, as Great Again Americans, we need, want, demand, and, by God, have and will take our God-given Right to consume more than just our fair share of, what is it, 20 percent of the world’s resources, or to create 25 or 30 percent of its garbage and pollution.
“You’ll know that America is Great Again when I build a 3-hole golf course on the White House grounds, and open it up to the public, for a modest greens fee, of course. The plan is to have it ready to go in time for spring, when the weather breaks. I’m also exploring putting in an 18-hole PGA Championship course and lodge out at Camp David.
“Does that help you any?”
al-Jazeera; “It certainly does, Mr Trump. One other follow-up question before moving on to our other subjects: How soon do you think it will be before you’re on Mount Rushmore?”
Trump: “How’d you know about that? … Well, the plan is to unveil it just in time for my re-election Inaugural Ball in 2021.”
al-Jazeera: “Ahhhh. Thank you, Mr Trump. Now…, what about Russia?”