6. If You were Dictator of the United States, what would You do?
If I were Dictator, I’d …
a Thought Experiment in which You become The Dictator of The United States of America,
and explain to the American People and the World What You intend to do. And Why You intend to do it.
Dedicated to the Victims of the Next 9/11
“If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier… as long as I’m the dictator.” ~ GW Bush
“If I were King of the Forest … ” ~ the Cowardly Lion
“If I only had a Brain… ” ~ the Scare Crow
And he, Bush, is, of course, absolutely correct. A dictatorship is ALWAYS a heck of lot easier, especially for the dictator. There are, always have been, and always will be any number of people who could and would testify to this: particularly among those with first-hand experience as either a dictator or a dictator’s functionary or beneficiary, from the highest to the lowest levels.
For the sake of exploring possibilities, then, let us pretend for a moment that OPERATION SMEDLEY BUTLER is a complete and total success: ie, that a military coup spearheaded by the Walter E Kurtz Brigade overthrows the government of the United States, placing the entire Legislative branch and the entire senior leadership of the Executive and Judicial branches of that government under arrest for, among other things beyond mere dereliction of duty: incompetence, corruption, collusion, duplicity, and complicity, among other “high crimes and misdemeanors,” including above all, breach of trust.
The coup occurs very late one Friday nite, and is completely bloodless.
Early Saturday morning, a spokeswoman for The Coup, speaking from The White House, announces that: a temporary change in the government of this nation has indeed occurred; that the seizure of power by “The Walter E Kurtz Brigade” is total but temporary; and that the mission ~ and thus first order of business~ of the new government is, quite simply, to fix the old one. Permanently.
She explains that the Coup has complete and total control of all strategic and tactical space, air, sea, and land global, national, state, and local defense, security, intelligence, communications, transportation, and law enforcement assets and agencies.
She explains further that all economic, social, financial, fiscal, and monetary policy and action agencies and offices of the Federal government [including all branches of The Federal Reserve] are also under Coup control.
Next, she says that she will be followed by the individual who will explain exactly What the new government is going to do [and un-do], and How and Why it is going to do [and un-do] it; and, that this person will detail all of the Executive Orders that You just finished signing. She then introduces You
What do You say?
You’ve got 30 minutes.