This asks and provides my Answers to what I think and believe are The Four Most Important Questions confronting America today:
- Will there be a national election in November 2024? And if there is, will there be a Presidential inauguration and seating of a new Congress in January 2025? ~ p 3
- Are there any alternatives to and antidotes for what America’s Ruling Political Class will give the American Voters as choices in that scheduled election? ~p 4
- Will the United States survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on July 4, 2026? And if it does, will the American Peoples be in any condition or mood to celebrate anything? ~p 8
- Given what Humans know about the Universe, the Planet, Life, and Ourselves from our Natural and Social Sciences; and,
Given what Humans can do in that Universe, to that Planet, with Life and Ourselves thru our Hard and Soft Technologies; Why, then, is there still Poverty, Hunger, and Disease, Illiteracy, Injustice, and Inequity, Ecocide, Genocide, and Democide,
Insecurity, Tyranny, and War? ~p 11
It then asks and provides Answers to the following “Less ~ But Still Very ~ Important Questions”:
- What is the war in Ukraine really about? ~p 14
- What does a Woman’s Right to an Abortion include? And what does a Fetus’s Right to Life include? ~p 15
- What was January 6? ~p 16
- What are some of the dumbest things ever said by a bunch of American Generals and Admirals? ~p 18
- What does Donald Trump actually, really mean by “MAGA”? ~p 24
- If You were Dictator of the United States, what would You do? ~p 25
- When 9/11 happens once again, America, What will You do? ~p 26
- Why is Alaska still a State? ~p 31
- What can we Humans learn from The Whales? ~p 33
- Why did Martin Luther King condemn America’s War in and on Vietnam? And How did he do it? ~p 35
- What can we learn about DISEASE X from The COVID Event? ~p 36
- How can War be ended? ~p 37
- What is World Veterans Against War? ~p 38
- 14. How is this A Prolegomenon to a Manifesto for the First American Revolution? ~p 40